The project is ambitious in committing to achieve several firsts in terms of products based on new data and analyses.

This project takes an inter-disciplinary approach by using holistic measures of biodiversity to encompass variation within and between species and of ecosystems (including many environmental variables), as well as carbon cycle dynamics and climate change scenarios. The team thus includes experts in marine biology, taxonomy, ecology, oceanography, biogeochemistry, and biogeography, MPA network design, benthic habitat mapping, carbon dynamics, and species distribution and climate modelling.


Leader: NORD

Objectives: Lead and coordinate activities within the available budget to achieve the contractual obligations.

Task 1.1. Financial management
Task 1.2. Detailed Data Management Plan documented
Task 1.3. Project reporting
Task 1.4. One kick-off and three annual meetings of all project participants
Task 1.5. Quarterly online meetings with WP leaders
Task 1.6. Engage with relevant Horizon Europe Missions and partnerships
Task 1.7. Exchange knowledge, skills and experiences with Associated Partners in Japan and China

Leader: CCMAR

Participants: NORD, SAMS, OUC

Objectives: Prepare high resolution marine environmental layers for bio-climatic modelling tailored for Europe.
Classify surface and near seabed marine ecosystems in European seas using environmental data.
Map MPA oceanographic connectivity and climate velocities. Compare connectivity and climate velocity to the proposed MPA network. Assess how the proposed MPA network accommodates future species distributions under climate change.

Task 2.1. Prepare high resolution environmental layers
Task 2.2. Calculate wave exposure index for all European coasts
Task 2.3. Identify surface and deep-sea marine ecosystems in European seas using environmental data
Task 2.4. MPA oceanographic connectivity and climate velocity
Task 2.5. Future climate velocity and connectivity

Leader: UNESCO

Participants: JNCC, CCMAR, NORD, SAMS

Objectives: Gather additional observed marine species distribution data not already in OBIS, so species are mapped by latitude, longitude, depth and year. Run Species Distribution Models on as many species as have adequate data and publish these as a new service on OBIS. Model biogenic habitat distributions, and validate and refine from comparison with observed EMODnet habitat maps, and publish these on EMODnet.
Map observed and modeled species richness, and compute richness indices to support understanding of marine biodiversity distribution in Europe.

Task 3.1. Compile data and prepare workflows for future efficiencies to access marine data from GBIF and other sources
Task 3.2. Model marine species and biogenic habitat geographic ranges and environmental niche for Europe
Task 3.3. Maps of species richness using observed and modeled data
Task 3.4. Apply conservation status to species and habitats in Europe

Leader: AU

Participants: JNCC, SAMS, NORD, OUC

Objectives: Generate an overview on blue carbon storage of marine habitats as background for mapping and modelling of current and future blue carbon (hereafter carbon) storage capacity at the European scale.

Task 4.1. Review of the literature and existing databases for data on carbon storage in marine biogenic habitats that occur in Europe
Task 4.2. Review of the literature and existing databases for data on carbon storage in marine non-biogenic sediment habitats that occur in Europe
Task 4.3. Identify key variables regulating carbon storage within and beyond biogenic habitats
Task 4.4. Development of a scoring system (rubric) for carbon storage capacity based on information gained in Tasks 4.1-4.3
Task 4.5. Mapping of carbon storage capacity

Leader: NORD

Participants: CCMAR, OUC, RYUKYUS

Objectives: This WP will utilize the results of WP 2, 3, and 4 to conduct prioritization analysis for designing MPA network for biodiversity conservation and blue carbon. Through the prioritization, 10% and 30% of European seas will be identified as an optimal MPA networks for biodiversity, blue carbon and both together. Online atlas of the proposed MPA networks and associated environmental, habitat and species layers will be published to aid practical Marine Spatial Planning.

Task 5.1. MPA network based on biodiversity variables
Task 5.2. MPA network based on blue carbon scores
Task 5.3. MPA network based on biodiversity and blue carbon
Task 5.4. Online atlas for Marine Spatial Planning


Participants: ScC

Objectives: Engage maritime spatial planning, science to policy and MPA stakeholders within each EU sea basin to solicit feedback on the project’s atlas design and to support uptake of the prioritisation algorithms of the atlas by planners and other maritime stakeholders.

Task 6.1. Engagement with science, policy and conservation stakeholders for each sea basin and invitation for their participation in regional project advisory panels
Task 6.2. Forming a project Stakeholder Advisory Board which includes at least two representatives from each regional advisory committee
Task 6.3. Co-creation of a policy brief on Biodiversity, Blue Carbon and Marine Spatial Planning with stakeholders for international dissemination

Leader: Science Crunchers

Participants: All Partners

Objectives: Ensure effective external communication of the project to promote that (i) the lessons learnt are adequately disseminated to target stakeholder audiences, including society to raise ocean literacy, and (ii) the results are exploited by key end-users, through WP6, scientific papers from WP2, 3, 4, and 5, and in cooperation with other projects of this Horizon Europe call.

Task 7.1. Elaboration of the communication, dissemination and exploitation plans
Task 7.2. Branding and communication
Task 7.3. International conference on Marine Protected Areas and Marine Spatial Planning
Task 7.4. Special issue of a journal
Task 7.5. Bridging the gap between science and children



Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters

MPA Europe project has been accepted under the “Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters” Charter.

This is a recognition that our project plays a central role in contributing to Mission Ocean and Waters goals:

  1. Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity, in line with the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030
  2. Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters, in line with the EU Action Plan Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil
  3. Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular, in line with the proposed European Climate Law and the holistic vision enshrined in the Sustainable Blue Economy Strategy.

Please check this link to see the full list of accepted projects under this mission.