MPA Europe at International Symposium on Human Impacts on Marine Functional Connectivity


The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action SEA-UNICORN & International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) International Symposium on “Human Impacts on Marine Functional Connectivity” was held in Sesimbra, Portugal, on the 22-25 of May, 2023.

This international symposium highlighted the latest research on changes in marine functional connectivity caused by human actions and on the possible management options for preserving this ecosystem property. Hosted by the COST Action SEA-UNICORN and ICES, the symposium brought together a broad group of experts to discuss the latest research on the emerging field of marine functional connectivity.

Anna Addamo from Nord University represented MPA Europe project as a speaker and co-chair of a workshop under the theme: Marine connectivity, marine policy, and stakeholder engagement.

This symposium allowed the project to reinforce the goal of mapping optimal location for marine protected areas considering a holistic range of measures that take into account the effects on connectivity of a wide range of human activities at different scales, cumulative impacts, and multiple other variables.